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Fashion Designer

Huiting Li


    2021 年创立同名独立设计师品牌 “HUITINGLI”。品牌收录于 VOGUE 意大利版 vogue-talents 专栏主页,并加入上海时装周官方订货会mode showroom,秀款发布于深圳时装周官方日程。

    2018 年 6 月在北京后海北沿 50 号成功举办个人服装设计展;设计师多次与中国服装设计师协会、中国国际时装周组委会合作,刊登在 “Fashion China”、“Flanelle”等国内外杂志;研究生毕业设计展出于Donna Karen's Urban Zen Center并入选New York Textile Month。2021年8月入选蕾虎呦桃无限维度青年时装艺术节。

















        HUITINGLI 坚信时尚应当是对当下社会和现代女性生活方式的表达,并承载着女性对审美独立和思想独立的追求。运用流畅的剪裁和褶皱元素,探索身体与服装之间的空间感,试图打破传统的淑女刻板印象,塑造出优雅浪漫的外表下带有自由精神的新女性风貌。


    Huiting Li s a Beijing based textile and fashion designer. She graduated from Parsons The New School with a BFA in Fashion Design in 2019 and a MFA in Textiles in 2021. In 2021, she founded own fashion brand “HUITINGLI”, selected in the official 2022S/S Shanghai and Shenzhen Fashion Week schedule.

    Huiting Li has launched multiple sets of works. In June 2018, she successfully held a personal exhibition at No.50 North Road, Houhai, Beijing; In June 2019, her thesis collection was successful in the New York Graduation Exhibition and was selected in Vogue Italia, Fashion China and Flanelle magazines, etc. Her MFA textile capstone project was displayed in Donna Karen's Urban Zen Center, and selected to New York Textile Month. In August 2021, Joined in Labelhood Youtopia Infinity Fashion Festival.
















        I firmly believes that my work should be an expression of life style for the current society and modern females and a female pursuit of aesthetic independence and ideological independence. Through cleverly deconstructing themes of each season in design to explore space sense between body and clothes, break traditional stereotypes of ladies, and shape a new female style with free spirit under elegant and romantic appearance.

        After continuous creative exploration of textiles, HuitingLi with the textile language engraves its own brand spirit in its exploration journey. Individualized print design, elegant tailoring and her favorite pleating elements are borrowed to ornament female body, get rid of the shackles of gender symbolization, bring more clothing interests and the possibility of female portrait, meanwhile express the unique aesthetic attitude of contemporary women.


2021 - Now

Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts, 

PhD of fashion design, Theory

2019 - 2021

Parsons The New School of Design, 

Master of Fine Arts, Textiles

2015 - 2019

Parsons The New School of Design, Bachelor or Fine Arts

major:Fashion Design;minor:Communication design

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 © 2019  by Huiting Li

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